The Association in the recent past has organized several outstanding events, especially the series of Conferences in different regions of India. Appreciation to all the member of the Association for their whole hearted support and co-operation for making all these events successful. The association is regularly awarding and recognizing the significant contribution by the various stakeholders in the field of NRM at the National and International level.
All the members of IASWC and other stakeholders are required to share valuable suggestions, proposals and relevant feedback for further improving the various services rendered by the Association. Members also requested to kindly visit our website regularly for knowing the latest information, news, activities and announcements etc. I request all the members to enroll new members (at least one each) in our Association to build our combined strength at the National and International level. Joining hands make the association much stronger to keep up the expectation of the members and other stakeholders to meet the new challenges. Anticipating your co-operation and support to serve you all.
M. Madhu